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Argos interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Barium C II interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Barium IV interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Barium K interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Barium P II interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Barium R interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Barium Z interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Délion II interior door

Interior doors tailored to your specific needs.

As demand for different types of interior doors has grown, increased wear resistance has also become an important consideration. To address this, manufacturers have developed the CPL interior door. CPL has become known for its harder surface, scratch resistant and hard-wearing material that can withstand the wear and tear of time. This avoids the need to replace the door after two years due to damage or wear.

It's important to note that replacing an interior door is not only simple, but can also be a costly operation, so it's always worth thinking long-term when making such an investment. Dismantling and re-installation may involve floor and wall repairs, so although the initial cost of a decorative laminate door is lower, in the long term it may need to be replaced more frequently than a door with a CPL laminate surface.

On unique CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) interior doors, the reinforced printed layer results in a more durable, scratch-resistant surface than decorative panels.

Available in trendy, modern wood patterns, we can also customize it to your specifications at no extra charge.

Szicília beltéri ajtó

A különféle beltéri ajtótípusok iránti igény növekedésével együtt fontos szempontként a fokozott kopásállóság is egyre inkább előtérbe került. Ennek kezelésére a gyártók kifejlesztették a CPL beltéri ajtót. A CPL azáltal vált ismertté, hogy keményebb felülettel rendelkezik, karcálló és strapabíró anyaggal, ami ellenáll az idő múlásával járó igénybevételeknek. Ezzel elkerülhető, hogy két év múlva cserélni kelljen az ajtót sérülés vagy kopás miatt. Fontos megjegyezni, hogy a beltéri ajtó cseréje nemcsak egyszerű, hanem költséges beavatkozás is lehet, így mindenképpen érdemes hosszú távon gondolkodni egy-egy ilyen beruházásnál. A bontás és az újra beépítés akár padló- és faljavítási munkákat is maga után vonhat, így annak ellenére, hogy a dekorfóliás ajtó kezdeti költsége alacsonyabb, hosszú távon előfordulhat, hogy gyakrabban kell cserélni, mint egy CPL laminált felülettel rendelkező ajtót. Az egyedi CPL (Continuously Pressed Laminates) beltéri ajtókon a megerősitett nyomtatott réteg a dekor lemeznél tartósabb, karcállóbb felületet eredményez. Divatos, modern famintázatokkal rendelhető, ráadásul felár nélkül készítjük egyedi méretben az Ön igényei szerint.